Wartime Banbury

St Mary's Primary School Log Book
The following are extracts from the Log Book of St Mary's Primary School, Southam Road, Banbury, reproduced here by kind permission of the school. At the time of the Second World War, boys and girls were still educated separately and each department would have had its own headteacher.
The daily record of the Girls Department was kept until her retirement on 31st August 1944 by headmistress Ethel Alice Mardell. She was succeeded after this date by Ada M. Bennett. Miss Mardell was born in Edmonton, London in 1884, and both her mother and aunt were also teachers.
The Log Book for the years 1939 to 1945 begins with the school being closed for two weeks, due to the outbreak of war. This period covers what is known as "The Phoney War", when very little actually happened. Although the school was holding frequent air raid drills, the first air raid warning is not mentioned until 15th November 1940, the night that Coventry was bombed.
In all, a total of 31 air raids are mentioned in the log book, which seems surprising given that Banbury itself was only hit twice. However, the sirens would have sounded whenever enemy planes were sighted, and often they would be on their way north to industrial towns such as Coventry and Birmingham, or aiming for the Aluminium Factory to the north of the town.
School should have re-opened today but owing to the War we were closed for a further fortnight.
School re-opened this morning. I have absorbed into the school fourteen girls from the Cyril Jackson School, London and also sixteen Self Evacuees from various parts of the country. Two teachers from the Cyril Jackson School have also been placed here for the present. These are Miss Pickard and Mrs Thomas.
"Gas Mask" and "Shelter" drill have been taken every day this week.
The fourteen Cyril Jackson girls have left this department this afternoon and are now to attend the Congregational Hall.
Air raid warning practices are being taken frequently to get the children thoroughly used to them.
Miss D Crabb has been recalled to the Bow Central School.
School closed all day in order that teachers might assist with billeting.
The Education Committee again closed school in order that teachers might assist with billeting.
64 evacuees registered this morning.
Admitted evacuees to make total up to accommodation of 200.
A verbal message came from Mr Webb that if the air-raid warning goes during the night the children are not to attend school until 10am the next morning.
Mrs Tansley (LCC) and Mrs Grey (West Ham) both evacuated teachers, commenced duty at this school at 9am today.
70 newly evacuated children registered here this morning and two this afternoon. I am admitting 21 of these tomorrow, making my roll 225.
I admitted ? evacuees this morning.
Four evacuated teachers have commenced duties in this department this morning.
"Raiders Passed" was not given until 6.15 this morning, therefore school opened at 10am.
(NB. Massive bombing of Coventry took place)
School opened at 10am as "Raiders Passed" was not given until after 11pm.
"Raiders Passed" was given after 11pm, therefore school opened at 10am.
Opened school at 10am as "Raiders Passed" was not given until after 11pm last night.
Opened school at 10am as "Raiders Passed" was not given until after 11pm last night.
The "Alert" was given at 3.5 this afternoon and the Raiders passed at 3.20pm.
The "Raiders Passed" was given after 11pm, therefore school opened at 10am today.
The "Alert" sounded at 3.40pm. Children went to shelters. "Raisers Passed" sounded at 4.35pm.
School assembled at 10am today as "Raiders Passed" went after 11pm last night.
School assembled at 10am today as "Raiders Passed" went after 11pm last night.
School assembled at 10am today as "Raiders Passed" went after 11pm last night.
School assembled at 10am today owing to "Raiders Passed" being sounded after 11pm.
School assembled at 10am today owing to "Raiders Passed" being sounded after 11pm.
School assembled at 10am today owing to "Raiders Passed" being sounded after 11pm.
Mrs James (LCC) absent owing to house having been bombed.
War Weapons Week. The Girls Department raised £132 14 7.
School assembled at 10am today owing to "Raiders Passed" being sounded after 11pm.
School assembled at 10am today as "Raiders Passed" was sounded after 11pm.
School assembled at 10am today as "Raiders Passed" was sounded after 11pm.
School assembled at 10am today as "Raiders Passed" was sounded after 11pm.
School assembled at 10am today as "Raiders Passed" was sounded after 11pm.
School assembled at 10am today as "Raiders Passed" was sounded after 11pm.
School assembled at 10am today as "Raiders Passed" was sounded after 11pm.
School assembled at 10am today owing to the "Raiders Passed" being sounded after 11pm.
Opened school at 10am today owing to the "Raiders Passed" being sounded after 11pm.
Opened school at 10am today as the "Raiders Passed" was sounded after 11pm.
Opened school at 10am owing to "Raid".
Miss Green and Mrs Grey have been recalled to West Ham. Miss Kendall and Miss Goodie, both LCC, have joined the Girsl Staff this morning. Admitted 29 evacuees from the Cyril Jackson School which has been closed.
I attended the cinema this morning to assist in choosing films for children tomorrow for War Savings Campaign.
Three evacuated teachers, Mrs James, Miss Brand and Miss Kendall have been recalled to London.
Mrs Sewell absent this morning (husband has 48 hours leave).
Mrs Groucott absent this afternoon and tomorrow as her husband has 48 hours leave.
Opened school at 10 o'clock as the "Alert" sounded after 11pm last night.
Owing to the Alert having sounded after 11pm school opened at 10 o'clock this morning.
Owing to the Alert having sounded after 11pm school opened at 10 o'clock this morning.
Owing to "Alert" having sounded after 11pm school opened at 10 o'clock this morning. Closed school for Summer Holiday at noon but owing to War school remained open for those who wished to attend.
Remembrance day. The "Silence" was observed at 11 o'clock.
19 girls admitted from Infants Dept, (15 local and 4 evacuees).
Armistice Day. The two minutes service was observed.
School opened at 10am today due to the "Alert".
School opened at 10am this morning owing to the "Alert" last night.
Seven evacuees admitted.
This afternoon a party of VI, VII and VIII girls visited the "Dig for Victory" exhibition.
Mrs Sewell was absent because her husband is home on leave from the Navy.
Mr Mardon sent to inform us that the Poppy Day Collection in this department amounted to £1 9s 4 ½ d.
Metropolitan Evacuating Authorities' common entrance examination for Secondary Schools held in the boys' dept. Five entrants from this department.
School closed for VE day celebrations.
Some evacuees went for medical inspection.
Closed school, Monday Oct 1st being Banbury's VE Day.
The 'Thanks to the Services' Savings Campaign in school realised £82 .3.10d.